Hello, I'm Bell! (*^^)v
I have a report today and am writing this article.
Two and a half years have passed since I started working as a dad (*´ω`)
My main job was working from home, doing clerical work XNUMX times a week, and XNUMX side jobs.The salary of the side job was about XNUMX yen in total.
I wanted to move overseas, so I wanted to increase the number of home-based jobs where I could work overseas while doing my main job.
I didn't have enough money for living expenses, so I used dad activities to add living expenses and save money after moving.
If I don't have enough time, I can't make time for interviews and job hunting, so I supplemented my living expenses with dad activities.
Since my current main job does not allow me to work overseas, I had to quit at some point, so I was looking for a new job to replace my main job.
However, I can't make it to the final interview, and quite often the interviewer
"If you are already living abroad, it is okay, but if you are about to move or have a baby,
My feelings may change, so I'm putting it on hold for the time being. ”
Said well. (XNUMX)
If I can increase my VISA by XNUMX yen and extend my visa, I can migrate, but the only remaining problems are VISA and salary.
However, the reality is quite strict and I applied for more than XNUMX jobs...
There were times when I almost gave up thinking that it might be impossible.
When I told the gentleman I met around November last year that I wanted to go abroad and that I wanted a job.
It turned out that the gentleman was starting a new team corporation, so he was looking for someone to do the office work and secretarial work.
Since I have been working as a secretary for many years, I was told that I would like to ask for a job, so I got the job on the spot. (`ー´)ノ
I received this month's salary on the spot and was told to send work tomorrow.
The job was really sent the next day, and half a year has passed, and I'm still working with him (*^-^*)
And recently, I received a high evaluation of my evaluation.
"I want to do more work, so I'll double my salary (^^♪Can you please?"
“Until now, I was a little hesitant, but Mr. Bell works quickly and is qualified, so I would like to ask for more.
and happy negotiations (^^♪
Of course, the answer was, "Thank you very much!!!" (laughs)
From this day on, I decided to emigrate in earnest! ! !
I received this offer in mid-March. Decided to go in late June. !
Money problem clear, go! ! !When I decided, the VISA problem was also solved.
This gentleman had previously lived in the country I was going to visit.
He said, "I'll introduce you to someone who knows about VISA," and he introduced me ('ω')ノ
The person who introduced me introduced me to an agent in that country, and surprisingly I was able to get a business visa! ! (^^)/
Business VISA is a business negotiation VISA, so a Japanese agent cannot get it without a real business negotiation.
You did a good job and solved the VISA problem (≧▽≦)
If you decide to go in June, the VISA problem will be solved,
"If you say it out loud, your wish will come true" or "When you make up your mind, things will go according to plan."
I often hear it, but it really happened! !
I think it's because I'm sure that by saying it out loud, there will be people who will support me, and people who will become my strength (*´艸`)
I am in the process of getting the visa application documents prepared at the embassy, and they will be ready next week.
I will bring the documents to the embassy and I should be able to get my visa by the end of this month.
I also found a place where I can store large appliances and clothes, and my migration plan is steadily progressing!(^^)!
As soon as I get my visa, I have to do various things such as apply for retirement from my main job, apply for cancellation of the apartment, and pack the luggage to be sent to the site.
I can't wait for the visa application documents to be completed (*´艸`)
When this document is completed, I think that I will realize it more (/・ω・)/
From the day I am writing this article until my departure, there are two months and two weeks left ^ ^
I'm excited to think that I'll be leaving in no time! !
I wanted to write this post today
I think there are a lot of people who think that it's just Papa-katsu, but I got to know him through Papa-katsu.
My dream seemed to come true, and I was just one step away.
No matter where you are, if you try your hardest, there are people who will support you.
Because I wanted to convey that you can seize opportunities in unexpected places.
But, of course, I have to do a lot of effort to sow the seeds.
If you want to turn a small chance into a big chance, you have to make an effort.
I wanted more work from that gentleman, so I finished the work on the day even if I cut down on sleeping time.
I said, "It's fine when I can," but if my evaluation gets higher, I might get more work.
Anyway, I gave priority to the work from gentlemen, and if I got a job, I refused to make an appointment with a friend.
With that effort, I got more work and my salary doubled (*^^)v
I pray that everyone will also be able to meet a wonderful dad (^_-)-☆