Are you satisfied with just reading the article?
Is it really possible?Don't you think?
I want to actually check the fictional story
I would like to tell a woman who is driven by such thoughts.
At Universe Club, we don't end up half-skeptical about our column impressions.
If you have any concerns about joining, we will explain it until you are fully satisfied before and after registration.

Registration flowInterview flow

During the actual interview, if you have any concerns, please let us know.
We would like you to avoid as much as possible joining while feeling uneasy or worried.We would like you to join us in a way that is convincing before and during the interview.

1. Apply


If you apply to Universe Club with a simple application, the support center will coordinate the schedule.

2. Registration and photo shooting

Registration work / photo shoot

Registration involves creating a profile and taking photos.In order to get an offer from a man, I take pictures as a first priority.

3. Offers from men

Offers from men

We receive offers from men who have seen the photos and videos we have taken.I will tell the woman about the schedule and meeting place.

4. Dating


The day before the date, the club will confirm the day before.On the day of the event, go to the meeting place with time to spare and enjoy the date.

What you need for registrationWhat you need for an interview

An ID card with a face photo (driver's license, passport, resident registry card) is required to confirm your name, age, etc.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can solve them with "Universe Support", which has FAQs.You can resolve your concerns before joining.

Universe Support

Apply for registration on LINEApply for membership on LINE

If you would like to apply for registration on LINE, please click the button below and proceed to the registration application procedure.

Apply for membership on LINE

Registration application by e-mailApply for membership by email