

Do you really want to live as a dad?

The temperature difference in Tokyo has been drastic lately, and it's a bit harsh for me as I'm fairly old.

So how do men judge women?I guess you could say it's a feeling that I've developed over the years.

Anyway, I lightly observe women's habits and behavior patterns and decide.

However, even among women who work as dads, there are some women who act quite disappointingly or say that there is no end to their “concessions” to some extent.

In the case of such a woman, it will be a waste of money, and above all, a waste of time and effort.

Looking at such a woman, from a business point of view, do you have the intention of earning money from dad activities?There are times when I feel like asking, and I myself have contracted with many women, so I have encountered such situations unexpectedly.

This time, I would like to introduce the characteristics of such women.

Anyway, a woman who is drunk until night

This is probably the type I hate the most.

Honestly, it is impossible for men to ask women to improve.

I have seen many women over the years and this can turn into a really serious problem. (Be careful as this may lead to neurosis.)

First of all, I am not rejecting alcohol per se.

I drink too.

However, there are surprisingly many women who are drinking with their friends every day in Papa-katsu. (I have seen quite a few women of this type.)

Certainly, this type is friendly, very easy to talk to, and has a good mood.

But things change when you drink.

First of all, there are many types who don't care about what others think of them, so they tend to make a lot of noise, and many of them tend to speak quite roughly.

That's exactly why the wording like "you" suddenly became bad, and I have had many bad experiences.

Before drinking, it's really normal.

However, when I drink alcohol, I feel completely different.

All of a sudden, the phone rings in the middle of the night, and I'm very excited, and I'm complaining, and it's annoying anyway.

If I behaved a little badly, I would get offended and hang up the phone, or say only what I wanted to say in a drunken momentum and get hung up.

Anyway, it's tough.

Of course, the next day, he doesn't remember much about his actions at that time, so if I tell him "It was like this", he will apologize.

However, if the person himself doesn't remember much about the situation at that time, he hasn't reflected so much, so the same thing will repeat a week later.

I myself tried to understand, "Why are you so stressed every day?"

Besides, if I continue to act like that for two months, I will get tired and start to get irritated.

It's a matter of course, but I'm not saying that all women who drink alcohol are like that.

However, there are definitely women who have bad drinking habits, and is it okay to show them to men as dads?I doubt

The male team is in a position to pay allowances etc.

A position that wants to help with something.

In spite of this, she drinks like she's been drinking, lashes out at men, and gets drunk and calls her regardless of the time of day.

When I had just become a dad, I was treated like this by a woman, and I hated being a dad.

That's why when I meet someone for the first time, I ask them if they like alcohol.

If your partner says yes, how much do you drink?I try to listen lightly in conversation and put in a probe.

Therefore, I do not contract with women other than women who answer that they like it or drink lightly before going to bed.

After all, many people who drink a lot of alcohol have a vague memory, don't they?I think this is the same for men.

Is it necessary for us to take care of these people and give them allowances?That's the place.

Men may think differently about this.

I had a bad experience in the past, so the answer is "NO".

As I have experienced many times women who drink like bathing in alcohol, I personally do not recommend the part of "contracting as a papa katsu".

However, I apologize for the lack of words, but if you play as a friend, it will entertain you, so it might be good.

It's just a story in the frame of dad life.

too stubborn woman

This is because there are "women with stubborn thoughts in a good way", so I would like to explain in detail.

The stubbornness I'm talking about is the meaning of a woman who doesn't accept anything people say and refutes everything.

This is also the type that is unexpectedly a dad active woman.

When we meet for the first time, I would like to make a contract.

"Unun" in reply, making it look like you're listening to me.

However, the number of times we meet has increased, and when I start my allowance, it changes completely.

When I talk about something, the conversation starts to stop with a strange air, such as "It's written like this on the net, so it's wrong?"

And when the distance shrinks a little from there, the next response starts with a negative.

Of course, I think it's okay to have pros and cons because it's a catch-ball for conversation.

However, as is often the case with young people, recently there has been a considerable increase in the number of young people who believe in information on the Internet too much and think that it is everything.

In other words, it would be fair to say that he believes completely in the information provided by strangers without experiencing it himself.

Therefore, even if I explained it in an easy-to-understand manner, the other woman could not turn back because she had already entered the denial, and she would become silent in conversation with me, and the atmosphere would be strange. Sometimes things get out of hand.

And the most difficult part is that type of woman can't honestly apologize.

For example, during a conversation, if you think, "Oh, my information is wrong," you can apologize on the spot to avoid creating a strange atmosphere. (This is common sense for adults.)

And the wound will be shallow.

But are you looking down here?I can't be honest, so in the end, I'm in a situation where there's no other way to settle the situation than to make concessions and compromise.

And then, the next time we meet, it's normal, but in order to repeat the same thing again, I make concessions and repeat the same thing.

Roughly speaking, it becomes a troublesome relationship.

And hand over the allowance while feeling sick.

If you're a man, I think you'll understand, but it's pretty absurd.

A stubborn woman in a good way tries to learn from me, so I feel good about that too.

I think it's better to avoid stubborn women in a bad way, especially in dad life.

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