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How Daddy Active Girls Secretly Build Confidence

Are you confident in yourself?
Papa-katsu prefers humble and modest women.
However, that alone lacks interest.

If possible, I wish I could continue to meet with the same dad.
To do that, it is imperative to have confidence in yourself.
It's not a good idea to continue being a dad without confidence.

Do dads hate confident women?

Overconfident women are shunned by men.
That doesn't mean I like women who lack confidence.

A woman who lacks self-confidence appears humble and humble.
However, if you continue to be a dad without self-confidence...
At some point, you may lose your balance.

Here are some tips for building self-confidence.
You won't be able to have self-confidence just by thinking, "I believe in myself!"

Do you have a dream girl?
There are many beautiful and attractive women in the world.
Don't you feel depressed when you compare yourself to these girls?
Unconsciously, you may be doing things that make you hate yourself.

Looking at beautiful and attractive women will increase your motivation, but it takes daily effort to get closer to the girls you admire.

On days when your diet doesn't work, you may blame yourself.

Women have menstruation, so even if you follow the same diet, you may gain weight at certain times of the year.

Actually, I used to be like that.

"Even though I'm on a diet, I ate a late-night snack."
"Even though I'm avoiding sugar, I drank juice."

There is no limit to how much I can give, but I started to hate myself more and more.
If it continues, it will fall into "must think" this time.
“Thinking that must be done” is to believe that “I have to do XX”.

For example, diet.

Strangely enough, the more I think, "I can't eat it," the more I eat it.

Rather, not being conscious of it will save you from eating a lot of it.

At that time, I thought that I had to strongly convince myself that I had to do XX.
However, in the long run, "must think" didn't solve anything.
Rather, it's a vicious circle.

Have you ever pushed yourself like this?
If you push yourself more than you need to, you will be under a lot of stress.

It may sound nice to say "a woman who is hard on herself."
However, if you bind yourself to mysterious rules, you will mysteriously drift farther and farther from your goals.

Dealing with yourself is like driving a car.
Play is also necessary for steering wheel operation.
If you are in a stiff state, you cannot demonstrate your true ability.
The same can be said for communication with dad.

Having confidence gives you peace of mind.
It is necessary to have self-confidence in order to maintain a good relationship with your father for a long time.

How Daddy Girls Have Confidence

Confidence is about trusting yourself, not just believing in yourself.
In other words, you should repeat the action to trust yourself.

Let's think simpler.
What do you pay attention to when you want to build a relationship of trust with those around you?
Let's do the same thing with ourselves.

Make small promises to yourself and keep them.
Making small promises builds confidence.

If you decide rules rigidly, you will fall into self-loathing when you can't keep them.
Start with a promise you can keep.
It's okay if you fail.
All you have to do is gradually increase the number of promises you keep.

In an increasingly complex society, there are times when people become unbelievable.
Worse than that, I think, is not believing in yourself.

Let's be honest with ourselves during this time.
You can fool others, but you can't fool yourself.
The accumulation of "small promises" with yourself also leads to understanding yourself.

In the meantime, the number of times I think "I'm going to do it!" is increasing.
Then, other things will also come closer to thinking "I can do it".
First, build trust with yourself.

If you want to be a daddy, hide your confidence

"Confidence" and "arrogance" are different.
Men don't like confident women.
Don't look down on others and behave humbly.

When you have confidence in yourself, you will be less anxious about your dad's every move.
Depending on the situation, you may be able to have more in-depth communication by creating mental leeway.

If you continue to be a dad without self-confidence, you will hit a wall someday.

No one wants to buy a product that is said, "I don't really recommend it, but if you like it, go ahead."

If you want to continue being a dad, being a woman you can trust yourself no matter what will help you a lot.

Experienced as a receptionist, hostess, and chat lady.Based on my experiences, I write articles about men and women from various angles.

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