Love Vaccine Extra Story to rewrite the past (XNUMX)

After parting with Odabuchi and returning to the city, Ina parked her car at the parking lot in front of the station in order to drop off Maki and Hikari.

When the light was about to go down, I let out a low voice and returned to the backseat and closed the door.

- What's wrong?ー

ーHey, you know, I had a customer who was a mama-katsu.I don't want to be seen with a young girl like Maki.Look, the person with the light blue skirt walking there.ー

When Ina saw the woman, she was about to raise her voice.

It was a familiar face.

It was Shiho who became the wife of Ina's former boss.

Hikaru noticed the surprised Ina and called out to her.

- Do you know a woman?ー

-Yeah, it's the wife of an acquaintance of mine.ー

-Oh, is that so?I'm pretty sure my husband said he was a doctor.
There are two children, and after giving birth, it seems that sex with her husband is completely gone and lonely.ー

Last year, Shiho's husband was supposed to be a professor at a local medical college and left his family behind.

Twenty years have passed since I broke up with Ina.

It would be out of reach for children.

ーIs it enough?Well then, sir, we'll excuse ourselves here.Thank you very much for today.ー

Hikaru and Maki gently opened the door and started walking in the opposite direction from Shiho.

Ina didn't take her eyes off Shiho, and when Hikari and the others got off, she got out of the car and walked briskly towards Shiho.

It's to talk to Shiho.

A long time ago, when Shiho came back from her honeymoon, she found Ina and rushed over to the same place.

I felt my destiny.

Red amaryllis bloomed in the flower bed in front of the station.

The language of flowers is "reunion", "give up", "passion", "sad memories", and "I think only of you".

It blooms like a flame, but it looks like the standing figure of a woman who quietly waits.

Ina calls out in front of the station and exchanges lines with Shiho, who is surprised and confused by the chance reunion, and invites her out for tea the next day.

We met at a café for a light lunch and exchanged updates.

Shiho happily told Ina that she was always free because her husband was away from home, and that she wanted to contact him at any time.

So the next weekend, we decided to go back to the beach we used to go to.

A week later, Ina drove Shiho back to the cape with the lighthouse.

After more than ten years, I drive the same road again.

We've both gotten older, but we're still the same.

Her long, curly, thin hair has lost some of its luster, but it still sways in the wind while reflecting the sunlight.

It's old.

There is still some time before the sun sets.

Park the car, cross the pine forest, walk along the sandy beach, and head for the same spot as that day.

I could start my life over from that moment.

Neat and tasteful clothes with white lace edging.

A scarf to cover your hair.

When Shiho was young, she smelled good just by being by his side.

The scent has faded now, but Shiho is Shiho.

The red sun begins to hide behind the horizon.

Ina sat side by side with Shiho on top of a large piece of driftwood.

I put my hand around Shiho's waist.

don't refuse

Everything is the same as that day.

ーIt's a beautiful place.

-That's right.It's the same as the day we used to come together.ー

- What was that day?ー

-You came back from your honeymoon, you met by chance in town, and then I drove you here.ー

-Is that so?ー

- Eh, don't you remember?ー

-I don't remember much about those days.
I got married and had a child relatively quickly, and after that I was busy with childcare...
I'm sorry.
Watching the crashing waves together, he told me that if I fell from here, I would definitely die.ー

Come to think of it, was there such a thing?

I feel like I vaguely remember it, but I'm not sure.

It must be a memory of the fun times when they were dating before Shiho got married.

-So, don't you remember how we sat shoulder to shoulder until it got dark on this beach?
Waves come and go, and each time a white splash emerges in the dark darkness.
Only the sound of the waves resounds

Shiho tilts his head with a troubled face.

-I wonder if that happened, but this place is very beautiful.
It must have been a difficult time for me, so maybe I erased my memory.ー

Saying that, Shiho rubbed against Ina's shoulder.

The sun will set, and soon the darkness of the night will come, just like that time, and the white spray of the waves will emerge just like that time.

That day, after sitting shoulder to shoulder for over an hour in the dark, they kissed and had sex in the car.

It was the only fellowship with Ina after Shiho became a married woman.

The secret of that night belongs only to the two of us.

At least that's what I believed until recently.

However, when there is only one person who remembers the secret memory instead of two people, is it really what happened?
Even if someone told Ina that it was your delusion, Ina couldn't argue back.

Shiho may have sealed her memories because she was sad that Ina hadn't summoned up the courage to take her to that white hotel.

And over the years, has it weathered, crumbled and disappeared?

For Ina, it was a sweet memory seasoned with remorse, but for Shiho, it was nothing more than a sad event.

Ina was at a loss as she looked up at the white hotel she was planning to stay at tonight while hugging Shiho who was leaning against her.

Until just a little while ago, I was thinking of restarting my life from there.

With Shiho in Ina's memories, who must have lived with the same thoughts as her.

In the darkness of the dark night, only the sound of waves lapping and receding was reverberating around.

The sea at night is like the depths of the human heart.

I can't see clearly.

But the occasional splash of the waves and the light of the moon are beautiful.

The sea of ​​the past stretches out in the human heart.

And people live trapped in the past.

Maki tried to overwrite the past with the help of Ina, and Hikaru learned how to change the interpretation of the past from Odabuchi.

Shiho erased her past memories in order to forget her sadness.

There is a saying that "the future can be changed", but it is a lie.

No one can change the future.

The only thing that can be changed is the past.

However, it allows people to open up the future.

Because the future is made of the past.


What did you think?
Each episode is based on a true story, although situations and characters are deformed to avoid identifying individuals.

Men and women who meet at dating clubs have various circumstances and arrive at each other.
It was a story that sometimes when you delve into such a story, you can learn unexpected life lessons.

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