nana princess thing 1

[I'm hesitant, but this time it's Tanizaki style]
It's not something a grown-up, who will be celebrating his 10th birthday next year, confess, but I've been crying since the beginning of this year. When her mother died more than XNUMX years ago, she cried so much that she thought she had no more tears left, so I was surprised to find that she still had tears in her eyes.And the reason for her tears is Princess Nana.That's why I'm going to write about Princess Nana from now on.
Junichiro Tanizaki is my favorite author.His favorite work is "Saiyuki", but the one that is more strongly engraved in his heart than his favorite is "The Old Man's Diary".To be honest, Joe is not as dead as the hero of this novel, "Tousuke Ugi".He is seventy-seven and has a perverted libido.The writing style that Tanizaki adopted to depict the sex of such an old man is a mixture of kanji and katakana.It is hard to say that it is easy to read, but I think that the difficulty of reading enhances the charm of this novel.
The protagonist of this novel, Tosuke Ugi, has already lost his sexual ability and confesses as follows.
"Impossible Ninattemo Or Sexual Life Haaru Noda"
It's silly to imitate the style of a literary master, but just as Tanizaki could only write about the sex of an old man in this style, it seems that Joe's style is the only way to write about his distorted feelings for a princess. I feel likeLet's start right away with rabbits and horns.
["Nee, nee,JoeChan! ]]
Konna Kaze XNUMX princess Kara cat Nade when I can't hear my voice, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm going to turn my face up, and I'm going to turn around. Demo Ikedo, it is forbidden to reply with two voices.How much do you want to utter a voice like a cat, a princess catSignDemo Alcalada.
To say, the right of veto against the request of the princess.JoeI'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to have to do my best to make it happen.freeWosuru no ga, essential nanoda.Soredake Hime Noo Wish Iga Shiba Shiba is an unexpected surprise, and it's a demo al.
last yearGolden weekPreviously, Hime returned to Japan temporarily, Kuno near the canalHotel loungeDon't wait.Sai Wai in advanceAfternoon teawo reservation.I'm going to wear a kimono.Soleja
・ Omaemo formal dress Dazo
-LunchHasez (or Iha, I'm hungry) set
It's a demo al.Day before DakarJerichoRepeat in and out in-center,JoeA single drop of liquid remains in the testicles,cakeSono and others eat Belererle yuni lunch, Benaitsu Moridatta.
Promise two o'clock.Itsumono-sama two early arrival Shitaga, Hime already twoLobbyNiite,sofaDale sits down and reads a book.As promised, Reno kimono.She is a princessJoeI'll call you from a distance.JoeMetahime read the book and close it.beadsノHandbagSecond stop, stand up gal.
"Ah, it's beautiful."Joe.Compared to other cities in Kyoto, there are more women in belted kimonos, and I have never met a woman who wears a more beautiful kimono than a handsome princess.
Daga, this season's kimonoCoordinationIt's not easy.old iRulesSecondly, in the month of May, I was wearing a single robe on a hot day like today.It's difficult to get a high-quality feeling out of single clothes, and it's all about choosing obi and accessories.sensega question Warrell.Mochiron Sono point Nara, princess Hananno worry moira no.senseA woman who wears a kimono and wears a kimono is a woman.
As I mentioned earlier, it's a hot day like early summer.Hime girl wearing Taitanoha is thinGreenUnlined Oshima pongee fabric, Obi made by Nishijin Yasaka Textileopal greenThe Nagoya obi with a fresh Yakana floral pattern, and the obi straps are slightly dark green.Single clothes, obi, obi belt gradually two shades Iga dark kunari,sono gradationDJoeHa exclamation.Gin no Tsuzuri de three-tiered high sanomono.Back-de-hime-ga-kyoPinkThe messenger Altoiu.
"Do, Kono kimono? Nice desho? Oshima Tsumugi nanoyo. Hisashi Shiburini.jochanTokai Ukara Do your bestomekashiShitanyo"
“Mochiron is beautiful, it suits you well.
"Ara, I'm happy to give you a compliment.jochanHa, you're good at talking."
HimegaLoungeTell your name at the entrance and guide you to your seat.At the entrance, there are many customers waiting for their turn.
As soon as we sat down, we opened the menu.Five types of little princessescakeGadgetafternoon plateNarumonowo,JoeHasandwichI ordered a tea (HimehaDarjeeling Second Flush,JoeHaCeylon) wo added shita.Let's report on each other's recent situation, Mazuha tea, continueplateGsandwichKarel in front of the eyes.
Cute Lashii Five TsunocakeGadgetta,plateThe second princess raises her cheers, "Drekaraya Tsuketaroka"Napoleon pieDforkSashimi, eat a bite. "It's so delicious!"She's her cheersJoeNitotte hacolella no images and memories are forever.
["JoeBah, can you hear me? ]]
Next time I will look up "cat's voice" in a dictionary at hand.
A flattering voice that a cat makes when someone strokes it.Also, the tone is sweet and soft, trying to get used to yourself.Why is the cat crying?With a cat.
For the first time,jochan”Ha Jikkanikono dictionary Nialyouni ``Sweet and soft''toneda.deer longtailJoeWhen I heard that Koenai Kirisuto, for the second time, the words that came out of the princess's mouth were ``Joettebaa, can you hear me? "De, it's a tone that contains anger, and it's a ``cat's voice''.JoeI can't imagine it.Princess TsumariJoeTono sense of distance is decided Salernoda.JoeIt is useless if you ask me once if you are sorry.
Hime's Five TsunocakeOyatsuketa Atoha,Hotelsgo outKeage Gari InclineGo down.A month ago, Naraba Sumire-sama was walking slowly while looking at the cherry blossoms in full bloom.It's a little disappointing, but when it's in full bloom, people, people, people are moving forward slowly and steadily.Sono point today is a moderate number of people, Aoyama Togeru Hazakura mo evil KunaiJoeI'm sorry.
Shikamo Neighbor Princess Hasoleha Soreha Beautiful kimono da.Unlined green, obi green, obi cord green, obidome green, social cherry blossom dazzling green.Words and expressions Sreva, Subete "green" DakarafightSuruyouni imagine Surukamosirenai.Shikashi, shades are the samefightSurdokoroka, mutual sympathy, bring out the unique beauty.Moiru, the person who passes by, stares at the beauty of Mogahime, and looks back many times after passing.
SONO ONE DETheYoOn the other hand, I asked the man and woman, "why?"Jealousy and contempt are included in your eyesJoeNo sense of superiority is a big kikunatta.
societyJoeWhen you're immersed in a sense of superiority and it's hard to walk, the example of "cat voice" comes out from the princess's mouth.
【princess,Chunichitohaye,During Golden WeekNo trip to Okinawa
TheYoTakara, who heard nothing about heights, and Takara, Hime-no-Kuchi Karaha, started a series of escalar incidents. "Joettebaa, can you hear me? "
The tone of the princess is full of anger.she's the firstJoega xie marana kerebana lanai.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Mo, I can't listen to my story.No goodYanaino.SoyakaraJoeHaPopularHennoyade"
Oshar expert Ride what no counterargument Moarimahen.
princess caranorequestC below three.
①I want to go to Okinawa with Joe before I go back to Japan after Golden Week.
② Stay at Halekulani
③ I want to dive in Minna Island.
One month before Semete Nariza Chirazu, just before departure, Shikamo, Chunichi TohaieGolden weekIt is absolutely impossible to realize the middle two three tomo Sasernante magician Idenai.ShikashiJoeNo authority is givenTrySursi Kanai.if niyottehatouchNo Difference Tou Cotomo Al.What's important is what's going on as soon as possible.Sokode Nanzenji made to walk planned to be interrupted, immediatelyTAXIPick it up, send the princess to her parents' house, the wizard IninarbekHotelsI'm exhausted.
[Joe, Wizard Ininal]
Conclusion empty calligraphy Keba, Himenorequest1 to 3 made all the realization saseta.
① Is the outbound trip miraculous?Departure from Kobe AirportPeachTwo vacant seats Gaatta.Tadashi,PeachI don't think it's worth the price.On the return trip, the Kansai flight Hizremo is fully booked and the Tokyo flight is secured.
If you don't secure an air ticket, you'll need to consider the next step.Rental CarThe most convenient location in Dakedo OkinawaRental CarI have heard rumors that there is a shortage of balls.Covid-XNUMX DedonoRental CarThe number of vehicles owned by the company will be greatly reduced onceGolden weekIt is nice to be able to meet medium-sized demands.
In fact, deha one model on the nethitSinai.Soredemo "As expected of two monai toysThingsI don't know what to do, but I'm sorry, I really don't know what to do.SorenaratTAXICompany XNUMX phone number,charterI have already made two reservations for the minute, and I am waiting for the time slot for the reservation on the same day.
Before Corona, Okinawa Denan ChatteHotelswo management city takara,UchinanchuI can't find a strange person who rents a car because I'm not familiar with it.Sonna's middle school is a potter Nina Bek's training, Shuhei Dake, "Rental Suno is an impossible driver, Narayari Masyo."
(XNUMX) Full occupancy on HP,OkaneI don't know what to do, but what exactly is it?
Mr. OsamuI don't want him to have a wide face.he is friendlymanageraccommodation frameExecutive Ocean Nancharawo reservation shitemo ratta.two nights deJoeGaburashi Tail KyotoApartment hotelDatta for three months.It's impossible to make a reservation.
(XNUMX) Corega is the most hurdle game.Of course, the liner to the island was fully booked,diving tourNemo is empty. (XNUMX) and (XNUMX) were not prepared for the demonstration, so I thought that I would be forgiven for (XNUMX).demodamemotodeshuhei ni "ferryHow to go to Minna Island with a glass of oak? ” I heard it. "No, shipcharterI'm going to go to the end of the story, Shuhei is a ship,divingWosultamenoTankSono and other Mosvete Procurement Cite Crete.
Douda!KoredeJoeIs it clear that the magician's ideal is clear?No good?
[Magician Idemodekinaikotogaaru]
OkinawaHotelsThe tourist spot's HP is bright and sunny under the sun's rays.Decisive rainbeachThe typhoon caused by the raging sea was not published.
Shikashinagara, in fact, there are many places where it rains in Okinawa.Soshite Typhoon Denakutemo, the rain in Okinawa is heavy, and the rain is very small.Somosomo Okinawa's rainy season rehearsal starts early from the mainland, every yearGolden weekNew Year's Day, New Year's DayGolden weekDuring the second rainy season Risuru thing moal.JoeThe Gaikura Magician has a problem with the weather.
It was raining all day the day we arrived, and it was cloudy on the second day.Luckily, it's rough weather, it's bad weather, it's the second day, it's going to Minnajima NemoclearBoth nanode are able to enjoy the miraculous underwater world.Shuhei Gainakereba, he can't realize it, he's nihakorekaramo.Minna Island is a wonderful bidet,JoeMo nose high datta.After successfully completing the three days of turmoil in Okinawa, the company moved to the next location.
[Kiai with Princess Tono]
HimehaEuropeTravel to and from Japan.Itsumo contact Gaaruwakedehanai.last year haGolden weekTo, Summer, and the Society November XNUMXnd Gaatta.In November, when the ban on Echizen crab is lifted, I went to Fukui Koremata's exclusive inn and enjoyed the wonderful crab.JoeI'm so obsessed with crabs that I can't get enough of this, and the crabs that I eat at Kono Ryokan are outstanding.EshitaJoeThis time of year, the body is a little tight, and I feel like I'm going to have to eat a big crab princess, so when I go home, I won't be making a reservation for next year.already bookedCancelSitakered.
Sveteno thing is Hime nopacedegin dike.Mochiron SEX Mo Exception Dehanai.
Example Eva last year's Okinawa.バルコニーTwo seats, watching the rainy coastline, the princess is cold.glassDBeerIdeaJoeSecond delivery.Soshite ni monaku, the princess utters a sweet voice.
"Joe, Continuously coming to Techrete is really close.It's very unreasonable, and I'm sorry.demoJoeTomataHalekulaniI'm happy to stay here
Don't take Konohime's words seriously. "Impossible Nao Wish" Tohime Haone millimeterI don't think so, somosomo"JoeGor"Princess Utte said Ukeredo, Hime ToHalekulaniNitomari Marunoha is the first Metenanoda this timeCottageYabetsunoHotels).scaryOtousamaTo Plan City OkinawaCancelNinari,JoeNo turn Tonata Nodaro.Princess Totemo shakes my heart to such an extent that I can't agree with her.
Hime Tono SEX Ha Surprisingly Nemo Yu Shiisillaginoidempty first.Yukkurito, Soshite Yushiku, kissed each other's lips several times.Do not entangle your tongue immediately.After repeating the kiss for a while, the princess gradually said, "Okayaku?"JoeTheseriousHand over one tablet to the princess.She's a princess, put it on her tongueJoeNo tongue entwined, you must drink, then take your mouth off and let your own saliva drip.
Coco Made, Ite Oi Te What Daked,JoeExcept for Princess Dakara, who is in the category of germophobia, Eva is a mess.When it's time for the Okinawa demonstration, the princess straddles Joe's face and after rubbing her own secret part for a long time, she doesn't hesitate to drink her own liquid.JoeKernoha scatters nibuti on the face, desirous of asceticism.
NaoismNitotte, a man who feels charm, is important to face cowgirl position.The males and females of this species hate "hesitation" and "restraint" in any way.JoeNo original propensity No male Toha great Kiku different Narukara, "hesitation" and "restraint" are welcome.Shikashinagara Naturally, princess dictionariesJoeHe suffocated and drowned.The effect of Shikamo Oyaku is now madetime lagGaarnode, Soremade (sometimes after Nihasono) continue to ride on horseback.
JoeWhen the effect of the drug itself is present, it is temporary.JoeHa Liberation Salel.society princess hajiYoNo ear de whisper kunoda.
"I'll do my best. Give me a reward."
Kono reward is a rogue.Clean-headed Noki GaaruJoeNittote Kono situation Niokeru the best reward haBathroomGo and wash your face several times and rinse your mouth.Naturally, she must not allow the princess to do anything.Hime no Kotou "Reward" Toha Hime no liquid de wet letterJoeDon't be afraid to stick your tongue on your face.Wipe off your own liquid with your tongue.The mochiron effect is completely irrelevant, and the princess dutte says, "Bad, bad."Konnaplay?Continuing from morning to early morning.Luckily, I heard that Princess Niha was sleeping two hours ago last year,JoeAfter taking a bath, carefully brush your teethUgaiIt's too bad that I can't even touch the floor.
[Princess Lanai]
JoeNitotte's first mystery has many twists and turns, and the reason why it's related to Princess Tono.JoeThere is no right to choose.
After going to Fukui in November to eat crabs, the princessDubaito flyfootball madAbout a monthDubaiIt's too late.GermanybattleSpainAfter the war, Princess Shita got excited and made a phone call.JoeWhen I asked, "I don't know if my husband is okay?"
Hime Niha multiple noOtousamaDakedenaku, Husband and othersboy friendGaitanoha is wrong.ShikashiJoeHana Katta is jealous of the princess.JealousyOtousamadeha in noJoeNo priority is high and self-confident body.
New year's eventKikakeDe,JoeNo priority must be given to high kunites.I feel suffocated and jealous of Sulfodono.
Mouth addition Elt, KoremadeJoePrincess Nidou Shitemo is a tight-fitting thing to do.Mochiron Hime meets Unoha, who has a great sense of fun, and who has a lot of feelings about Itsumo.Soleni's regular rendezvous is intermittent, but it's still going on.
At the end of the day, it suddenly came to ruin.Soleha is coming-of-age ceremony this year.Joemy phone rang,displayNihime no Mega Display Saleta.When I called out on the phone with joy, I heard that the woman was hanging out, and the princess was dead.Sono women say, "Princess Hamoukono is the world's second".It's too late now, I can't wait to meet the princess.