Universe first offer & date

Limited restaurant search

Name Kana
Age 28 years old

(The age and name are tentative for the women in the universe)

It's good that we decided to meet, but the setting is a little difficult, and we will meet at the beginning of the year.

Isn't it surprisingly difficult to find a restaurant in a local city?

in a decent life,Even male members who don't have much contact with other people have a certain amount of personal connections.

Moreover, some income earners,Isn't it even more difficult for women in the upper class?

I can't help but think about various things,

A safe restaurant, yetI reserved a counter-style place so that I wouldn't have to face each other even if the conversation got stuck.

My cell phone rings just in time.

Perfect fitI had a good impression that she might have been conscious of it.

"Nice to meet you♪"


She was unlike any other woman I met in Tokyo.

Now that I think about it, President Kida sometimes says,

Not recommended for women with a premium feel...I can understand a little what it means.

Moreover, since the image of the universe was not processed, it looked even better when we actually met.

The atmosphere was soft and round.

It's not harsh, it has a dignified feeling as a woman, and the balance is good anyway.

It feels like you are at a normal family reunion.

I'm glad I joined the Universe Club...

The food is also very nice.

However, as it entered the second half, it melted too much,

To be honest, I don't like negotiating money and clouding the atmosphere...I thought. .
(not for free,It was an atmosphere that made it difficult to negotiate a realistic amount.)

reluctantly negotiate price

It's a very vulgar title, butThis kind of atmosphere is hard to come by, so I'll try to draw it realistically.

Until now, I was able to negotiate easily because it was such a relationship,

I entered the room of the city hotel without being able to convey what was important to women while being somehow made to feel pure.

Maybe this womanI think I was going to go out with him no matter how much I was offered.

"Excuse me. Thank you for following me to your room.If it's okay with you, Kana-san, I'd like to be with you for a long time."

"I'd prefer that too."

"So how much should I give you?Can you tell me frankly? ”

Check the contents of theAs it is, the two decided to start dad activities.

I don't remember much about what happened after that because it was so natural.

Anyway, I naturally thought, "I want to date for a long time," rather than "like" and "preferred."

Maybe it's because I'm local...

Harry Winston

When she's in the shower, can I do something more for the first time?I thought in bed.

"Would you like a necklace?"

"Yes, I will."

"Then let's go shopping. Are you okay with your face being exposed?"

"It's okay. If you find out, I'll do something about it!"

For now, Van Cleef &Go into Arpels and try out some of the standard items.

I wonder if it doesn't fit my age... I'll get something a little more mature.

Somehow, the price nearly doubled.

If this is the case, it is in a price range that Harry Winston can buy.

Then it's the latter.

"Can we stop this shop?"

The clerk alsoPerhaps she stopped because the price was too high, she made such a face.

I had an acquaintance who was a store manager, so I contacted Harry Winston and asked them to send it from the store.

first offer

admission fee orShe was a woman who could spend more than 100 million yen on a necklace.

I decided, so that's fine.

That's what market prices are.

I understand the market, but I don't think men will grow if they just haggle.

I think it's interesting for male members to put it out if they want to put it out...to decide.

At a later date, when I casually read the customer's voice (female) of the universe,
There was a comment that seemed to be her.

I don't care what happens to her with other men.

I think I understand the flow of dad life a little.

A precious time with her began within this range.

It's Mr. Saito♪

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