3 thing you gain when you meet a woman XNUMX things you lose

Thank you very much for always watching.
This is Toritani from the Universe Club Kyoto Branch.

I think that men can get tremendous things when they meet women.
Some people may feel that it is too small.
However, meeting a woman who still seeks even if there are risks and things to lose...
This time, I would like to explain what you can get and what you can lose with such a woman.

What you get is heart

I think the first thing you will get is a heart.
For example,
・ Feeling happy or excited when meeting a woman
・A sense of self-esteem and superiority towards other men
Relieves feelings of loneliness and loneliness when alone
And so on.
Emotionally, it can be amplified and softened by meeting women.
I think this part of the feeling changes depending on the person.
For those who are already immersed in a great sense of happiness, even a slight increase may not be felt, and for those who do not feel loneliness, it may be a feeling that can hardly be obtained.
However, if you have a little happiness and loneliness, just meeting a woman will make you feel more relaxed.
That's what you get when you meet a woman.

The first is the heart.

If you have a wife or important people, you will feel guilty about those people.
After that, if you take your feelings to the woman you met, your heart capacity will decrease a little.
The more you fall in love with a partner, the more you use up your heart's capacity for that woman, so you lose that part of your heart...

Second is money.

Money is something that you will end up spending.
How to use it is up to each individual.
You may think that it is a loss, but it will cost more and more money if you become a mistress-like relationship.
against the opponent
・The money that a mistress makes a contract with
・ Money to meet
・Necessary money such as meals and hotel bills
The amount of money you need will keep increasing.
It will grow no matter what.
But there are good things about money, too.
It is that there is something that clearly separates the two in the relationship with the other person.
By doing so, you can have a firm relationship, so you can break up cleanly when you break up.
The point is, money has a bright side.

Third is time.

For those who want a lot of their own time, I think there are some people who feel that being a mistress is a waste of time.
I have to cut my time to meet people.
It requires effort and some people find it very troublesome.
So I think it's unnecessary for those who think that one person's time is very necessary.

A Final Word

A lover has things to lose and things to gain.
However, there is always something to lose and something to gain in any relationship.
Friends, Colleagues, Lovers, Couples, Strangers, Alone
No matter what kind of relationship you have, it will always exist, so you may want to use something to make your life meaningful.
As an option, why not consider a dating club?

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