7 ways to get women to like you in a dating club

I need a spirit of praise

Honestly, when you get a little older, don't you think you won't be able to praise people so much?

As for why, the reason is simple.

Maybe it's because I've lost interest in people's behavior.

When I was fairly young, I was very interested in every single human behavior and wondered why it was so.There must be many people who were attracted to it.

It seems that women also had that kind of feeling.

There must be more than a few men who have fallen in love with women because of a single question.

However, unfortunately, as we get older, the truth is that such fine human gestures become irrelevant.

Then, what about women who live as dads?

Of course, it goes without saying that he is much younger than the man who will become a father.

That's what it means.

They are quite interested in various behaviors towards men and look closely at them.

Of course there will be analysis.

In such a case, men should not just stare blankly at women.

On the other hand, it is quite difficult to keep an eye on each and every woman's behavior because she is not young.

And from the other woman's point of view, this daddy is not looking at me.

And it is taken negatively.

It's a so-called negative chain, and from a man's point of view, it's completely unfamiliar.

It's scary, isn't it?

All men will get it wrong.

The reality is that young women these days tend to take a negative attitude with a high degree of probability, except for an easy-to-understand reaction.

For us over the age of 50, the common expression of "get it without saying it" doesn't work.

But what helps here is the spirit of praise.

First things first.

Compared to the old days, today's children really like to be praised.

That's exactly how a woman reacts to a man who doesn't get angry at all

Easy to understand.

A long time ago, a man who got angry was really kind.

There was a time, but now it's completely different.

If you can bond to some extent, women may accept it in such a way.

However, basically, a man who always smiles and smiles no matter what mistakes he makes is quite popular with women.

It is especially effective for women who work as dads.

Many women who work as dads are basically nice and beautiful women.

That's why there are many men who think that they are used to being praised by men.

But that is a big mistake.

Surprisingly, there are many children who are hurt by being told harsh things on a regular basis.

That's why I want to be praised and treated kindly during the time I spend with the man who has become my dad.

There are many children who think.

For example, it's fine when someone cooks something or pours you a drink while you're eating.

Compliments should really make women happy.

If you compliment her with a smile, no matter how trivial, she won't be in a bad mood even if she doesn't listen to what she has to say.

That's exactly why I want people who are not very interested in people and who can't make witty remarks to women to try it.

You really look beautiful today.

It's good to just say the word.

This alone works pretty well.

Since I actually started praising women (more than I should), the way I communicate with women has completely changed.

Originally, I'm not good at listening to people's stories, remembering and speaking to others.

And there were many times when I immediately made women feel bad.

However, just by giving him unnecessary praise, the awkward atmosphere almost disappeared.

By the way, all popular men praise women and are kind.

From the point of view of a popular man, it may be a natural behavior.

There is no useless ladies first in this world

In this day and age, Japan has a lot of multinational cultures.

Among them, it is said that what women want most from men is ladies first.

Actually, there are really few Japanese people who can be smart about this ladies first.

Also, unlike in the past, there are quite a lot of women flying overseas these days.

That's why there are a lot of people overseas who have women's first receptions that are familiar and natural.

Needless to say, Japan is still behind in these areas.

That's why it's effective to go too far with the ladies first.

Women hate me for being too verbose, huh?Many men think so.

However, to be honest, it's a normal level overseas.

For example, pulling a woman's chair, taking off her jacket, and putting it on.

Besides, if you open the door and say it, there is no end.

Of course, there is an important ladies first even during meals.

If a woman is having trouble with something on the menu, she will gladly call a waitress.
(If the waitress is a foreigner and speaks in English, the woman will definitely get excited when she sees it.)

This will also be a fine ladies first.

So-called, such a stack will grab the real heart of a woman.

That's why there are women who are not used to being ladies first.

But think about it.

Even in an elevator, the act of opening the door for a woman and asking her to get off first.

Have you ever seen a woman who hates this?

That's how easy it is for women to respond in an easy-to-understand manner.

I get the impression that most of the men who are popular with women are perfectly able to put the ladies first.

The time has come when it is natural to take care of women other than money like this.

By the way, I was originally not good at this kind of lady-first behavior.

What'll we do.

Then, should I say that I was embarrassed, or should I say that I hated it because it was too blatant?

So, the worst thing I could do for a woman was to open the door for her.

However, if you analyze it in your own way and try to treat women like foreigners, you can easily do it even if you are not accustomed to it.

That's why there wasn't a single woman who made a disgusted face, and even if I made unnatural movements, it was only the first time, and not a single woman made a disgusted face.

That was the moment when I realized, "Oh, I was just worrying about it."

If you are not used to it, please try it on a woman once.

Women will look at you as an elegant and wonderful uncle.

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