Measures against the risk of sexually transmitted diseases are manners as adults

Right out! !

Today's topic is whatVenereal disease.
Just writing it down has too much impact, so if you put it in EnglishSTDIt is said that.
STDis a disease caused by pathogens such as bacteria and viruses entering the body through sex and multiplying.

type of venereal disease

STDis only a large divisionXNUMX typesThere seems to be.
Some people have symptoms that are difficult to feel, so if you are infected and go unnoticed, your body will unknowingly erode.
STDIf you have , the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and your resistance decreases, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to enter.HIVIt is said that the possibility of being infected with the virus is XNUMX to XNUMX times higher than usual.
Hmm, this is getting kind of weird.

how dangerous. .

But the good news is that you can't get infected in everyday life other than sex.
Drinking around, shaking hands, taking a bath, hugging, everything is OK.
But I'm still worried.
What are the countermeasures? No sex → No, no, this is not.
Next, Safer sex!!

keep it small

After all, as a popular man, I would like to take these measures smartly and thoroughly.
Women also need the courage to properly tell their partners about safer sex.
This is adult etiquette.
Then, if you feel a little uneasy, check it out!Recently, it seems that there is also an anonymous mail inspection.
It's starting to look like an advertisement for a hospital.Gargle and wash your hands to prevent colds!
If you drink, don't ride, if you ride, don't drink!It depends on what I thought was the same thing.

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