When you become a father, your feelings change.


Young women are really good

When I'm dating a woman who is active as a father, there's a different kind of fun to it than when I'm with someone my age.

I'm sure men who have already become fathers will understand this feeling.

Basically, I think most men are contracting mainly for young women, but what do you think?When you meet someone for the first time, don't you think, ``Youth is a weapon after all'' or ``Why do young women have such beautiful skin?''I always look at the other woman and think about it when I sign a contract.

I don't mean it in a negative way, I think it's just a feeling of envy.

I don't have that visible glow in my skin anymore, so it feels fresh to me.

There's something about every movement I make, from the way I look at myself to the way I speak, to the way I speak each word, there's no wrinkles, there's no wrinkles.

And, in front of the contract on the spot, it is out of reach and not allowed to be touched.

However, as a father, the charm of young women is that when you sign a contract with a woman, you are allowed to touch her.

For me, the moment I sign a contract is the most exciting.

Meanwhile, when you're working with young women in your father's life, don't you feel different in various ways?For example, appearance.

Until I became a father, I chose clothes that were easy to wear, and I always went shopping at the same department stores.

That's why there's even a clerk on duty.

Of course, it's convenient, and the store knows me, so they always select what I like.

Simply put, I don't have a sense of adventure, and I wouldn't seek it out if I were alone.

However, becoming a father is completely different.

A young woman will guide you to various shops.

So, she recommends the kind of clothes I would never choose at a store I would never choose.

Of course, there are many times when I say, ``Aren't you too young for me?'' But after a few months, I gradually lose that negative reaction and start going to the shops that young women have told me about.

Does this mean that your senses are numb?I'm sure people of my generation would feel the same way.

But think about it.

Maybe there's something wrong with us.

As you get older, there are certain things that come with age.

I understand this too.

Does that mean you need to align your sensibilities with those of your own generation?That's the point.

I'm sure that if you naturally grow old alone, you'll become numb in a bad way, trying to assimilate into your own generation so that you don't stand out.That's what I started thinking about.

How many people of our age wear red jackets?If anything, don't you tend to choose brown or navy blue?However, when I go shopping with a woman who is now a father, she sometimes chooses red.

I think there are many men who would refuse.

Even if that jacket suits you.

Don't you think this is strange?When I think about it, if I were younger, I would probably buy things normally because I would be more concerned about those around me, and I wouldn't have a deep sense of age-appropriateness in the first place.

I don't think I would have even thought about these parts if I hadn't become a father.

I think some men who have become fathers no longer have that stereotype.

Wouldn't it be easier to understand if you changed the phrase to ``I have a choice like this'' instead of ``I am this way''?

When this is encouraged by a young woman who is now a father, I feel like she changes from a ``no-good, stubborn old man'' to a ``forgiving old man.''

Interactions also feel different

Up until now, I have mainly been Gala.

Then, as expected, I switched to a smartphone.

This was also triggered by a woman who is now a father.

Originally, I didn't know how to use a smartphone, so I took it easy.

I feel like people our age are afraid of new things, or that something is going to change.

Even if it means in a good way.

So it makes sense that older people tend to go to the same stores all the time.

It becomes difficult to reach out for new things.

However, I was almost forced into signing up for a smartphone by a young woman who had a contract with me, and when I actually tried using it, my first impression was, ``Wow, this is such a convenient phone!!!''

Of course, I had no idea how to use it, so the woman taught me very carefully.

Then, I was able to use LINE in no time, and now people who don't use LINE usually wonder, ``How can I easily contact you?''

Naturally, when I go out drinking with friends of my age, none of them use LINE.

That's why if I'm the only one who uses LINE, I'm the only one who stands out.

In the first place, if you think about it calmly, there is no need to adapt to those around you.

On the other hand, I think it's strange that people don't know about such useful things, or I feel like there's a need to know about them.

If I hadn't become a father, I think I would have felt the same way as other people my age.

When you become a father, your senses really change and update in many ways.

Are there any men who have become fathers and have been dating younger women without updating their status for a long time?All the men around me who have become fathers have updated themselves in some way.

In particular, LINE interactions among friends are easy to understand.

My friends who haven't evolved at all are only text-based.

However, men who regularly play and interact with young women end up using a wide variety of stamps.

I'm sure women have told you that it's cold if you only use text? (I have also been told this)


It's so easy to understand that it makes me laugh.

I want to continue to have the positive feelings I gained after becoming a father, regardless of my age.

And if you continue to have this kind of sensibility that other people of your generation don't have, it's easy to be popular with young women, so that's important now that you're a father.

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