Personal Trainer With Sex Airi (Pseudonym)


After I turned XNUMX, the results of my health check-ups began to look unsatisfactory.High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high uric acid.and tend to gain weight.

I want to hang out with as many women as possible for as long as possible.I want to go out to eat delicious food with women.It goes without saying that it is necessary to be healthy for that purpose, but it is also a good thing for women to remember that it is better to lose weight and maintain a good figure.BecauseChibi, fat, and bald are the three major factors that women dislikeThat being said, the fat people are the only ones who can manage on their own.Also, if there is an area where you can be confident in your appearance, you will be confident in your words and actions, and the synergistic effect will make you popular with women.

So, I'm going to write about what I did a little while ago to regain my XNUMXs body shape and muscles.

A Personal Trainer Who Will Make You Fuck

Airi was originally a child who was nominated by a bathhouse, but she was a battle-hardened woman who was No. 1 in a luxury store.She used to be a hostess in front of the bath house, so she is a professional who grabs men both physically and mentally.On the other hand, as a day job, she lives in Tawaman in the city center and builds a studio in a room on a different floor of the same apartment, and works as a Pilates personal trainer for petty rich housewives.She said that she would quit the shop about a year ago because she was able to earn money from that job, and at that time she said something like "I want to see you again" in the flow of the story. Surprisingly OK when I saw it.

Since then, I have shifted to a P-active relationship, paying the monthly fee + α as a personal trainer, receiving dietary guidance on LINE, occasionally watching stretching and muscle training in the studio, and wanting to have sex as it is. relationship continues.

Airi (pseudonym)
·30 years old
・ After all, a technician
・I'm doing maintenance and construction here and there, so my face is well-groomed
・I admire Korean Instagrammers who are very constricted.
・A woman who goes all the way to Korea instead of Japan for a beauty salon

I want to be as easy as possible and achieve a "moderate goal"

I'm busy every day and don't have much time, so I can't really use my time for training and exercise.I want to achieve my goals as quickly as possible.And I like to eat, so I don't want to live a stoic life all the time.
So, I asked him to come up with a plan that I could do, like, "Hey, Mr. Airi, please feel free to reach your goals."

When I was young, I worked hard to keep my body fat percentage in the single digits, but while my abdominal muscles were cracking, I felt that my eating habits were too restrictive and I wasn't very happy and my QOL was low. If I can maintain that level, I can see my abdominal muscles, and I'm thinking that I'll be happier in some ways, so I'd like to aim for that.

what i did

XNUMX) Measure your weight and body fat percentage every day before eating breakfast
XNUMX) Do a random number of push-ups and sit-ups every morning    
XNUMX) Make a six-month diet plan and stick to it.

Well, when I write again, I feel like I just did something normal.

Measure your weight and body fat percentage every day before eating breakfast

By monitoring daily, the purpose is to know how your diet and behavior will affect your numbers.
There are unavoidable banquets, such as drinking with a woman or having a dinner at work.I can't help but feel happy and sad about my weight and body fat percentage increasing or decreasing in a single day.I ate too much the day before, so I'm going to refrain from eating today.

Do a random number of push-ups and sit-ups every morning

Muscles develop greatly through mechanisms that damage them during exercise and make them stronger when they repair.If you repeat muscle training, you will gradually gain muscle strength, so even if you repeat muscle training with the same load, your muscles will not develop.So, something like "XNUMX sets of XNUMX" is not very effective.

  • Do it until you think, "I can't do it anymore!"
  • Rest for XNUMX seconds and do it again until you can't do it anymore (probably about XNUMX times is the limit)
  • Repeat this until you can't do it more than XNUMX times

I think it takes less than XNUMX minutes to do sit-ups and push-ups separately.
If you do it every day, you will gradually increase the number of times you can do it.Even if it increases, the method is the same, "repeat until you can't do it more than XNUMX times".

Make a six-month diet plan and try your best

Food was the most difficult part, but it was impossible and I didn't want to be like stoic people who don't drink and only eat broccoli and fillet.You just have to put in some effort to lose weight.But I don't want to keep working hard, so I decided to set a period and a goal.

first XNUMX months
Sugar free life.Do not eat rice, noodles, bread, sweets, potatoes, or other starchy vegetables.Alcohol is only highball.
Depending on my original weight, I lost XNUMX kg in the first month and XNUMX kg in XNUMX months.The first month is the most effective, and after that it feels like the effect is attenuating.

next three months
A little sugar is fine.Convenience store low sugar bread.I eat vegetables normally.

achieved the goal

As a result,

Weight: XNUMXkg → XNUMXkg
Body fat percentage: XNUMX% → XNUMX%
Period: about XNUMX months

In the first three months, you will lose weight, and after that, you will gradually return to a normal diet, and gradually reduce your sugar intake.Every day, I reported to Airi on LINE, and while receiving guidance such as "Don't eat that" or "If you eat that for lunch, let's do this for dinner", I managed to do it for half a year.After that, I went back to almost normal eating habits, but I still maintain my eating habits, although there are ups and downs.

I think the effect depends on the original weight, body fat percentage and constitution, so I think that the effect is different for each person, but the recent boom in sugar restriction has certainly been effective.
I feel that being fit has a very good effect on mental health, and it also has a positive effect on relationships with women and meeting new women (maybe just a feeling). .

... However, I've been drinking more and more in the past few months, and I'm a little careless, so I'm thinking about restarting my eating habits with Airi-san's supervision.

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