Daddy activity round-table discussion end, impressions and income and expenditure

[Burlesque Tokyo and thank you email]

 Even though it was the first time for all of them to perform burlesque, the women danced on stage and enjoyed themselves with sparkling eyes.

It's Friday's final performance, and it's even more exciting than usual.

Mr. Oshiro was also happy to have a new member joining.

On the way back, Standard, Gold, and Platinum, who came from far away with Uber on standby, returned by one car.

It seems that the inside of the car was lively with Oita's dad.How did the driver feel while driving?

After that, we all split up and went for a walk around Roppongi with the sommelier.
(Because I have a habit of walking 5-6 kilometers before going to bed)

"Well, I wonder what happened today, I'm feeling hot. I think I'll be able to do my best again tomorrow!"

it was good.

When I happened to look at my phone, the black woman thanked me, but she continued to talk with men.

[thank you for coming home]

 black women
“It was really fun from start to finish!!! Thank you very much!
Having more girls was also new and really fun! ! (Laughs) Please get along well in the future! 
 They seem to enjoy talking about the 3 cars on the way home.For the first time in two months, it was innocent and cute.
It's a waste to just display the necklace, so I'll use it carefully! ”

Next from Standard Female
“My name is ○○○. I just got home! Thank you very much for the wonderful time I had today.
In the car on the way back, we had a blast talking nakedly (lol) The driver might have been a little awkward (bitter smile)
However, it was a lot of fun, so I definitely want to have a frank talk with Saito-san next time.
Thank you very much for staying late!I might not be able to sleep tonight because I'm so excited (laughs) Good night."

And after 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, platinum women
“Thank you very much for today.
I really regret the first tsuntsun.very sorry.
Even though it was a highway on the way back, there was a heavy traffic jam, etc. Thank you, Mr. Saito, for sending me to my house, even though it was far away.I just got home safely."

The next day, the gold lady thanked me, but when I was replying, my wife tried to look into the screen, so I made the mistake of deleting the contents at once.

The contents were very fun, so please invite me again.

That's what it was.

I think it was a day when a lot of judgment was required for her to do her first 5P with the first offer.

If it was good on top of that, I was good too.

I think the gold women did their best.

[Current balance]

Accommodation fee 165,250Yen
Lounge bar 10.682 yen
Referral fee/allowance 250,000 yen (excludes previous women/this time only)
Meal price 953,993 yen (10 people, champagne rosé, wine x 4, sake x 2)
Burlesque Tokyo 186.610 yen

Employment celebration        338,000Yen
Souvenir ¥22,728
Uber fee     41,996Yen

Total ¥1,969,259

This time, by chance, it was a round-table discussion on dad life, with various requests from standard women to celebrations of employment.

Then, the next day, I received another email from the standard woman.

“Burlesque was very nice. Now that I know that I am, I will hold myself instead of being carried away. 

For better or worse, last night I feel so much stronger.
Since I've become stronger, the chocolatier has also learned a surprising technique to repair the chocolate decorations I received (which I broke at Burlesque) with an 84 yen chocolate bar (laughs).

Now, I have been in contact with a black woman, and this time, we will have a meal together.The following consultation contents areHow can we make Daddy happy? (laughs)

We ask you to make time to meet with us in between busy work, have a delicious meal in a wonderful space, and take care of us in a luxurious room.
I'm happy, but I'm wondering what I can do to make my dad happy.

I've only met wonderful people like Saito-san and my current dad, so maybe I'm just out of peace, but please answer me in the column someday."

Next, I received a call from a sommelier man.
"Mr. Saito, I made it to the Universe site! This is amazing!"


I've said this many times before, but since it was a trial meeting with strict rules, I was very nervous.

It was so troublesome that I wanted my secretary to do it again.

Even one-on-one doesn't go well, so I thought it would be very difficult to satisfy all four women at the same time unless they all had the same feelings, and it would be even more difficult if they were meeting for the first time.

If I don't do well, I could end up in a position like a king, so it was a time when I was very careful about how I could lead myself and spend time with the women as the leading role.

But this was a joke, and I think everyone naturally came to talk to me about anything.

Under such circumstances, I feel like they taught me what it's like to be someone with a father.

It was a very educational day.

Also, a little good thing happened later, but I'll keep it a secret.

It's Mr. Saito♪

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