At a minimum, only here are the manners of eating that you want to observe

Thank you very much for always watching.
I'm Toritani, in charge of the Universe Club Kyoto Branch.

This time, I would like to tell you about the etiquette at meals that I hear here and there.
The people I meet through the dating club are top-notch companies and those who run companies, so I don't think there is such a worry, but on rare occasions, I hear from women.
So I would like to tell you that there are times when there is such a small demand.

At the very least, what is the dining etiquette you want us to follow?

Then, what is it like to receive complaints about manners at meals?
・The method of eating is dirty
-Poor response to staff
・ Talking in a loud voice
And so on.
Now, I will discuss in more detail what kind of opinion was given in this opinion.

the way you eat is dirty

This part could have been perceived as purely dirty eating.
However, there is a possibility that the dirty way of eating is different from the dirty way of eating from the perspective of a woman.
What is actually dirty?
・Make a squeaky noise
・Talk with your mouth full
・Put your face close to the plate and smell it.
・Fiddling with mobile phones while eating
・Leave food likes and dislikes

etc. seems to apply.
There are many cases where women give high marks for how they eat their meals, so it might be a good idea to reconsider.

Poor response to staff

This seems to make women feel distrustful of arrogant attitudes towards staff, especially when dining.
Women seem to think about their future attitudes toward themselves based on the attitudes of male clerks.
The content to be received is
・ Immediately yell
・Increase in complaints
・I use it like a servant
・Be arrogant

And so on.
It is necessary to point out and discuss this with some reason, but when it comes to the situation where a woman takes an arrogant attitude for no reason, there is a possibility that women will be disillusioned by seeing it.
Be careful not to go on a date with a woman you like as a mistress, as it may become a hook if such content develops into a future relationship.

talk badly

I think this is the part that can't be helped honestly.
When talking about dating clubs, there is a possibility that SEX will come up no matter how you do it.
It's not a problem to say such things, but the way you say it and what you say needs to be scrutinized.
For example,
・Speak loudly
・I'm not good at talking rudely, but I can talk loudly
・ Talk about dirty jokes
- Speak about your past
Some women may dislike such things.
It's necessary to talk about rude things, but if you talk loudly or talk about things that have nothing to do with you, you'll be in trouble as a woman.
So if you're going to talk about such silly things, it might be a good idea to speak in a voice that only you can hear.

A Final Word

How do you feel about telling us about the content of many complaints?
Of course there are big things and small things, but there are many more things to talk about.
However, in this, there is only the content that I asked you.
So, perhaps, depending on the smaller details, there is a possibility that a woman who wants to have a mistress relationship in the future may suffer tremendous damage.
Why don't you look back on your actions when you go on a date again so that you don't have such a thing on a date with a woman you like?
I would appreciate it if you could help me with a nice date for men.
Thank you in advance.

Universe Club Kyoto Branch
Akira Toritani

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