• I was accepted to the Universe Club, but I haven't received any notification that my profile has been completed even after 9 days have passed. I was told it would take about a week...


Question date: 2023/09/05 17:59

I passed the Universe Club, but 9 days have passed and I haven't received a notification that my profile is complete. I'm worried because it was said to be about a week, but is it okay to keep waiting?

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question answerAnswers: 3

Male member


column article


  • Answer date: 2023/09/05 18:06
ス タ ッ フ


My name is Nagato and I am a member of the Omiya staff.

Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Basically, we will contact you within one week.
It may take a while depending on the staff in charge, etc.

We apologize if you are in a hurry, but
We would appreciate it if you could contact us via LINE.

Thank you very much.

  • Answer date: 2023/09/05 18:35
ス タ ッ フ

Maezawa (Staff)

column article

Blog post

thanks for your questions.
Maezawa will also answer.

It is said that it will last about a week, but it has already been 1 days since that period.
There is no problem in contacting us directly.
Please feel free to contact us.

For some reason, there is still some data that is forgotten while the registration process has stalled.
Make improvements to prevent this from happening internally.
The flow must have changed considerably.
It seems that there are times when a new problem occurs in the new flow and it stops.

  • Answer date: 2023/09/05 20:37

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