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Thorough analysis of the advantages of “Universe Club” over other companies (XNUMX)

Interviews at Universe Club are easy

Since Universe Club is a membership system, there is always an interview.

But the same is true for other companies.

At least once, you have to have an interview at an office or a coffee shop.

However, I recommend Universe Club.

Even in this interview part, it's a part that stands out from other companies.

Surprisingly, you can receive interviews at 14 locations nationwide.

Most dating clubs have one office, but Universe Club has 14 locations, so the range of areas to interview is widened.

In addition, if another company does not have a firm office, we will meet at a coffee shop at the nearest station.

In that case, there will be many troubles later.

This is something I've actually experienced, but if you're a dating club that doesn't have a firm office at another company, you'll have to prepare a photo for your profile.

This is honestly really annoying.

On the contrary, I am often asked to shoot videos for introduction with my smartphone.

But the Universe Club is completely different.

There is absolutely no need to prepare your own photos and videos at the time of the interview.


This is another reason why Universe Club stands out from other companies.

In the first place, the universe club always interviews at the office.

There, a staff member who knows a lot about cameras will take pictures for your profile.

So there is no need for the female side to take a selfie with an amateur feeling.

At that time, we will also take a self-introduction video together.

In that sense, it can be said that it is unique to the Universe Club that everything ends with the meeting on the first day.

What kind of photos should I prepare for an interview with a dating club staff member?Toka, especially the preparation of the video is really troublesome.

I think that being able to go through a stress-free interview on the first day is nothing but an advantage for women.

I still remember that I was very motivated on the first day of the interview.

In the first place, in my life, I have never had someone who knows so much about cameras take pictures for me.

Originally, I wanted to get a job in the entertainment industry, so I started working as a dad to help me with the necessary lesson fees.

However, things didn't go as I expected, and when I was worried, it was a photo shoot at the Universe Club, so I was really excited because I could feel like a model.

And the friendly staff listened to me, and it was also the day when I was able to think about working hard towards my dreams.

To be honest, I think all women get nervous when they go in and out of the dating club office on the first day.

But at Universe Club, you can feel like a model, and there are so many things happening on the first day, so it might appeal to women too.I felt.

This is something that other companies don't really have, but Universe Club has, so I think it's a very easy-to-understand difference.

The shock when I first learned about the dating club was amazing.Since then, I've been hooked.We will continue to transmit reality from a female perspective.

Articles by Kumiko Mine

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