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"Woman who is not invited" and "Man who is refused"

Unusually depressed after an interview

This is Yukina Takeuchi from Universe Club Osaka Branch.

Results that confront harsh reality

I interviewed a woman the other day.

She had a clear purpose of saving money for her sick parents.

Just because of circumstances, completelyDesire to meet only for meals.

The desired amount of the target savings was not an insane amount, so I really wanted to help even a little.

Judging that it is not suitable for Universe Club (Papa Katsu) due to the circumstances that the person himself is having,

While talking about the fact that there is very little demand for dating type A, I recommended that you decline registration.

I managed to take a picture of the woman in the most shining appearance, and if I put a lot of effort into the introduction to the male members and send them individually, would it be possible to make even one offer? I was so worried.

However, it was not possible to create strange expectations, so the result was a harsh reality.

After returning from the interview and talking to the office members

Kirishima: “Even Takeuchi-san, there are times when your heart aches.”

· · · ·.

Certainly, I think it's tough for me to teach female members who break the rules.

Well, as the title says, let's get down to business!

I'm going on a date
I thought about the information that men/women want to know.

Based on the date feedback received from members so far

"A woman who is not invited to a date after dinner (or a second date)"When"After dinner, a man who invited but was refused'

I summarized about!

It's just a small part, but I'd be happy if you could use it as a reference ♪

uninvited woman

① Unable to keep promises due to lack of time

being late for a date,

Even though the date schedule has been decided, you want to change it for personal reasons,

A woman who is poor at schedule management and has low consciousness does not want to continue dating.

② The impression was different from the posted photo

A woman's impression can change quite a bit depending on makeup and hairstyle even in a few months.

We try to invite you to reshoot at the time of continuation confirmation every six months.
If there are any major changes, please contact the club.

Now there is also a function to post selfies, so please post your latest photos and appeal.

In the feedback, there was a case where a woman with a short haircut appeared even though she was wearing a wig when she registered.

③ Make unreasonable requests from the first date

There was a questionnaire the other day about how it was very difficult for someone to say, "I want to go to a restaurant specializing in ●● cuisine!"

Don't trample on the plan that the man had envisioned and prepared.

In addition, requesting shopping from a woman on the first day is also likely to be a negative evaluation.

It's okay to be pampered by men's kindness, but if you ask too much yourself, it won't last long.

④ Talk about dating with other men without hesitation

You may speak because you asked a question, but it doesn't feel good to talk to another man without being asked.

It seems that there are some women who say things like, "The previous one had such good conditions," and take a strategy to raise their self-worth and raise their allowance.

Will that change men's minds for the better?

man who refuses

① Arrogant and pushy attitude

There are many women who withdraw if they have an arrogant attitude towards restaurant employees.

A gentleman makes a good impression not only on the woman on the date, but also on the people around her.

In addition, forcible invitations such as "You should definitely go out with a relationship!" I declined because of this."

(XNUMX) Lack of cleanliness and unique appearance

Physiological aspects such as smell have been discussed many times on blogs.

There are also rare cases such as, "I was surprised to see you in a short-sleeved shirt in the middle of winter. I was worried about the eyes around me."

③ Talking loudly and not being considerate

This is actually one of the most common feedbacks.

I think that when the conversation gets lively, the voice will naturally become louder, but please be aware that talking about future relationships and clubs will be of interest to the shop staff and customers around you.

*Be especially careful at counter seats and crowded popular restaurants!

After the meal, we recommend that you change the place to talk or choose a private room.

④The terms of the relationship are too good

At first glance, it seems like a good thing for women.

"I was afraid that the conditions were too good to buy a Birkin from the first day, so I declined."

There was also a voice.


This time, I tried to give 4 common voices and XNUMX rare cases, but what other experiences have existing members had?

Contrary to this time,absolutely tempting woman"When"a man who never refuses” will also be written someday.

Universe Club Osaka Branch
Yukina Takeuchi

Joined in 2016, 30 years old, mother of 2 children.She wants to be a reliable auntie (preferably an older sister) who the members want to talk to about anything that makes them happy or angry!

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