
Shumai Incident

Hello, this is Oshiro! After a 40-day business trip to Sendai, I came back to Tokyoᕦ(o_oˇ)ᕤ
The desk was properly left (lol)


There were many dramas in Sendai!
For details, please secretly ask Shimomo and Sato


The other day, Watanabe met a member of Nagoya who gave me Shumai from Kiyoken!
Thank you very much.
After returning to the office, Watanabe opened the box, looked at the small bottle of soy sauce, and said something.


Watanabe: “What is this?! It’s so cute♡”
Oshiro: Seriously, cute~!
Matsuzaka: "I feel bad.."
Oshiro: Eh! Is it a small bottle?
Matsuzaka: No, Oshiro-kun...
Oshiro "Σ (゚д゚lll)"


That's right... Oidon, who used to wield a Japanese sword, wasn't a character who said "cute!"
After that, I will delete the word "cute!" from Oshiro's brain (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


Meanwhile, I'm a cute female member of Universe ⤵︎

↑ It is not Panemaji

↑ I'm sure it smells good

↑Let's worship for the time being

↑ This skin definitely repels water

↑ I want to draw a lottery with knitting tie

P.S. Kitamura looked like Hannya when he heard that there were no siomai left.

I would like to offer Kiyoken factory tour. .

Hayato Ohshiro

Author of this article

It is commonly known as "hittarashi".Regardless of gender, I want to live my life. talk to this staff

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