
Beware of strong winds!

Good evening everyone!
Ichinose will deliver from Tokyo today as well (^^)

Yesterday, when I thought the rain had subsided
A strong wind was blowing like a typhoon
Are you all okay?

Personally, I would be blown away! ?as much as I think
The strong wind was blowing my hair (ノ゚д゚)ノ

By the time you get home, the parting is in a different place than usual. . .

Well, men are waiting
Introducing a woman (・∀・)

Above3 peopleI was introduced to the women of

Ichinose, yesterday with a wonderful male member
We ate and talked♪

Please talk to me very frankly
I enjoyed eating and talking with you (*´∀`)ノ

the chance to meet men
Although it is rare, at events and such dinner parties
let me talk to you directly
In addition, I was able to study

I'm really happy!
Thank you m (_ _) m

By the way, for men who travel a lot
We are pleased to inform you about the campaign!

At Universe Club, during April from 2015/04/01 to 2015/04/30
A product that will please men who travel a lot
We are running a great campaign.

Men who have the opportunity to go to Sapporo, Sendai, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka!
Please take advantage of this opportunity.

Also, no business trip involved!
I want to go see local women!
I think that such a man will also be pleased.
Please take advantage of this opportunity!

Azusa Ichinose


Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members who can withstand the wind all over the country.
Membership registration is free, but interviews and screenings are required.
For details, please contact the local concierge

★[Sapporo] 0120-957-072Sendai] 0120-954-648
★[Tokyo] 0120-675-858Yokohama] 0120-954-619
★[Nagoya] 0120-935-719Osaka] 0120-220-419
★[Fukuoka] 0120-062-979International] 0120-978-649
★EnglishBLOG                ★ Female snapshot at interviewList
★ [OfficialHP

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