
accustomed to

3 people registered yesterday.

They were beautiful people (^^)


Dating clubs can only set up dates, so
I have no idea how the relationship started and developed after that.

If there is a problem, I will contact you so I can understand the situation,
I will not ask you anything else.

Since it is a relationship between two people, we are careful not to intrude on privacy.

But what always impresses me is
"As expected of those who are used to it"
about it.

The schedule is decided with a click, there are no cancellations or changes,
Dating doesn't seem to be a problem.

I am very grateful to the male members for this.

Men and women are completely different from the approach to meet, and the way of thinking is also different.
“Women are selfish.
Even if you say it, it won't start.

I think we are blessed to have male members who understand that women have their own circumstances and feelings, and are able to approach us with tolerance.
(I am fully aware that men are making ends meet while they are much more busy.)

Is it like this when written properly?What are you talking about?sorry.

Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members.
Registration is free, but an interview is required.
For details, contact Kida

Satoshi Kida

Author of this article

42 years old I'm good at tapping my shoulders. When I'm stressed out, I brush the sink.Seeing a dirty sink is stressful.this repeat

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