Thank you for all your continued patronage.
This is Nakashino from the Marketing Unit.
We will deliver the latest information of Universe Club.
【twentyNumber of members per month]*Including re-enrollment
〇 Number of male admissions
〇Number of female members
全国で697名の素敵な女性にご入会いただいております。(東京218名、大阪102名、名古屋73名、横浜59名、大宮57名、神戸29名、京都23名、福岡39名、札幌22名、千葉33名、広島18名、仙台23名、インターナショナル1名)全国の女性会員数は合計 7,179名(有効会員数)です。
[Number of registrants by class]
〇Male member
21 Black members, 39 Platinum members, 7 Gold members, and 0 Standard member have joined.
〇 Female member
22 Black members, 70 Platinum members, 331 Gold members, and 274 Standard member have joined.
[Number of dates nationwide]
In March, we set 7 dates for Black, 244 for Platinum, 926 for Gold, and 1102 for Standard. (* Aggregated by class of female members)
[PICK UP] Dramatic increase in the number of female applications
The heat continues in August, but how are you all doing?Take all possible measures against heatstroke and take good care of your body.
The number of female members joining in July was 7, an increase of about 697 compared to last month's 659.
Although the trend continued to increase from last month, the interview rate was 42.8%, a decrease of about 60.4% compared to last month's 20%.
The number of applications was 2252, which is the best result in the past two years, and more women are applying through affiliates.
There are 22 women who joined Black, compared to the average number of 6 people who joined in the last 12 months. You were a member.
In order to attract many women who are satisfied with men, we believe that it is important to review the content of returns to affiliates and send out information that will benefit users.
The number of male members who joined was 67, an increase of about 58 people compared to last month's 10, but it is the lowest number compared to the number of admissions in the past two years.
The number of applications is 140, which is the best result this year, but the interview rate and admission rate are decreasing.
The interview rate and admission rate are also on a downward trend, with the interview rate dropping from 80.2% last month to 71.4% this month, and the joining rate dropping from 54.7% last month to 47.9% this month.
Furthermore, there is a gap of about 25% between the interview rate and the enrollment rate.
Severe heat days continue, but new service in JulyPATOLOwas released.
We are determined to further revitalize the dating club industry, so we ask for your kind support.
We hope that you will meet a wonderful partner.