Thank you for all your continued patronage.
This is Nakashino from the Marketing Unit.
We will deliver the latest information of Universe Club.
【twentyNumber of members per month]*Including re-enrollment
〇 Number of male admissions
〇Number of female members
全国で623名の素敵な女性にご入会いただいております。(東京199名、大阪88名、名古屋72名、横浜63名、大宮55名、神戸26名、京都18名、福岡26名、札幌24名、千葉33名、広島8名、仙台11名)全国の女性会員数は合計 7,170名(有効会員数)です。
[Number of registrants by class]
〇Male member
24 Black members, 45 Platinum members, 20 Gold members, and 3 Standard member have joined.
〇 Female member
14 Black members, 70 Platinum members, 300 Gold members, and 239 Standard member have joined.
[Number of dates nationwide]
In March, we set 8 dates for Black, 216 for Platinum, 911 for Gold, and 1043 for Standard. (* Aggregated by class of female members)
[PICK UP] Dramatic increase in the number of female applications
It's getting hot these days, but how are you all doing?Please stay hydrated and take good care of your body.
The number of female members joining in August was 8, a decrease of about 623 from last month's 697.
The interview rate was also about the same at 44% compared to last month's 42.8%.
Although the number of applications decreased to 2070 from last month's 2252, we were able to maintain the highest level.
One of the reasons for the decrease in enrollment is a decrease in applications from advertisements.Although we haven't been able to place any ads recently, official and affiliate numbers are still up, so we think it's a temporary thing.
The number of male members joining is 92, an increase of 67 compared to 25 last month.
Although the number of applications was 133, which was lower than last month's 140, the interview rate and enrollment rate increased significantly.
Regarding the interview rate and enrollment rate, the interview rate went from 71.4% last month to 87.2% this month, and the enrollment rate went from 47.9% last month to 69.2% this month, both of which have increased significantly.
We have a stable inflow from official sources and affiliates, and we believe that the number of male members has increased significantly, especially thanks to our affiliates.
Recently, there has been a lot of gloomy news related to father activities, but it is surprising that the number of members has increased and the desire to join has increased. We believe that there may be some men who have learned about this and become interested.
We are still running a campaign where you can get points back at half the price of your membership fee by applying through affiliate marketing for men, so please apply.
The busy season for the dating club industry is over, and I think things will gradually calm down.During this time, we hope to be able to come up with projects and blogs that will satisfy as many male and female members as possible, so please check the official announcements frequently. .
I hope you all have wonderful encounters.