To whom it may concern February 2020, 2
To all of our members in International Branch.
This is Kida, the representative of Universe Group.
announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfarePrevention of spread of new coronavirusabout,
We would like to inform you about our group's efforts and ask for the cooperation of all members.
We do not think that the impact of the new coronavirus, which is currently being reported in the news, on date clubs is at the level of worrying at this time.The reason is
・No contact with an unspecified number of people (many private rooms)
・Dating and interviews are one-on-one contact and can be prevented to some extent.
・ If you are not feeling well, do not go on a date (because it is not work)
And so on.
However, it is unknown how the unknown virus will mutate in the future, and since it is the mission of the membership club to remove the anxiety factor of members, we will take the following measures.
Request for cooperation from new members
From February 2st, our club has been promoting a system for employees to work from home in order to reduce the risk of commuting to be infected with the new virus.
In order to reduce the risk of infection for those who come to the interview, we are taking the following measures.
●Admission interview for men
We usually hold interviews in city hotel lobbies, but in order to avoid crowds, we may invite you to our office.
●Membership interview for women
Normally, when interviewing, we will interview and register at our photography studio, but in order to avoid traveling by transportation as much as possible, we will hold the first interview.Video call on LINEI am allowed to.
After passing the first interview, it is necessary to come to the studio and shoot, but you can shorten the time.
Request for cooperation from existing male members
When going on a date with a female member, please consider the following as much as possible.
・ Avoid places with many people as much as possible, such as using private or semi-private rooms for meals and dates
・Avoid meeting places and places with a lot of people
・Avoid times when there are many people, such as just before the last train on your way home.Or recommend women to use taxis, etc.
・Be sure to check the temperature on the day or the day before the date to make sure it is below normal temperature (37.5 degrees), and if you have a fever or cough symptoms, please postpone the date.
・We will ask you to agree to pledge that you are currently in a state of normal fever and no symptoms such as coughing for each date.
(In the case of false declaration, we will specify that it will be subject to penalty and compensation)
・Members who have traveled overseas will have a date set 14 days after returning to Japan.
* 2/20 (Thursday) 12:00 added
Among members who have traveled abroad, if the country of travel is other than China, we will be able to set up a date if the woman's consent is obtained.
"Dear ○○, I have a history of traveling abroad (other than China). If you are going on a date with a person who has traveled overseas as part of measures against coronavirus, it is necessary to obtain the consent of both men and women. Will you accept it? ?” will be added.
Requests to everyone
If you have any of the following conditions, please be sure to notify the staff in advance.
・Those who have traveled overseas within the last 2 weeks
・Those who have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher and cold symptoms such as coughing
・Those who are suspected of being in close contact with someone infected with the virus
・Medical personnel who have been in contact with an infected person
We will not immediately refuse a date or interview for those who have made the above declaration, but we may consult with you about the location and schedule.
・In-house employees will work from home as much as possible. (Risk mitigation during commuting)
・We will always have a thermometer in the office and make it mandatory to check the temperature once a week.
・If your body temperature is 37.5 degrees or higher, or if you have symptoms of coughing, wear a mask and go to the hospital.Or let them work from home.
・Hand washing and alcohol disinfection at least 1 times a day (after going out and after going to the toilet) Required
・Always keep masks in the office, and wear them when dealing with visitors or employees who cough and sneeze (however, to avoid buying up masks, only those who need to use them)
・Employees who have traveled overseas will work from home for 14 days.
that's all.
We have just notified our employees about this response and measures, so there is a possibility that we will not be able to answer any questions you ask to our employees.
If you have any questionsAnonymous Question BoxIf you have any questions, we will reply as quickly as possible.
My family has been getting the flu every year for the past 5 years.
But this year, neither the Kida family nor the nursery school have heard of an epidemic of influenza or norovirus.
I'm sure it's because each family is careful to wash their hands.
Every time I see this report, I feel the gratitude of my health again.
We believe that most members of the dating club are risk-takers, but are prepared. (Otherwise, you wouldn't bother to pay a high admission fee.)
If you are dealing with a much bigger risk than corona, I believe that you will be able to cooperate with consideration for others and preparations to protect your own health.
January 2
Universe Group
Representative Satoshi Kida