When a father you meet through dad-hunting or night work finds out your real name or address, or when your family and friends find out that you are doing that kind of work, this is called a "self-discovery."
If your identity is discovered, you may get into various troubles such as being stalked by your father or customers, so I think there are many women working as fathers or working night jobs who want to avoid this as much as possible.This time, I would like to introduce a case where I actually got caught and got into trouble.
Cases where people got into trouble because their identity was discovered while working as a father or working at night.
① Being stalked by my dad...
``I once had a man I met through dad-hunting find out my address and stalk me.On the way home, when I got into a taxi, he heard me telling the driver where I was going, and he apparently identified my home. I was shocked when my dad asked me, ``I'm at XX station, can I meet you?'' (Female, 24 years old)
②My boyfriend found out that I was a dad...
``When I was a college student, an acquaintance saw me walking around the love hotel district with my dad, and my boyfriend teased me.Since he was an old man, I couldn't make any excuses and dumped him. After I blurted it out, my friends found out about it, and I couldn't stay in my hometown anymore.After graduating, I tried to escape and got a job at a company in Tokyo...'' (Female, 25 years old)
③ Daddy's wife and a catastrophe
``There was a time when my dad's wife found out about our relationship, and I was about to be asked for compensation.I ignored her for a long time, but a detective was assigned to me and a letter came to my house. I ended up hiding at a friend's house for a while, almost running away at night.Even now, I still get nervous when I get a call from an unknown number.'' (Female, 28)
④My parents found out that I worked at night.
``When I was in college, my parents found out that I was working part-time at a cabaret club.The reason they found out was because I posted a brand-name bag that a customer gave me on social media.My sister, who was jealous, found out and told my parents. My part-time job immediately called me and told me to stop, which was really embarrassing..." (Female, 23 years old)
⑤My job with my night part-time job was discovered...
``During the day, I work in sales, but my company doesn't allow side jobs.However, the pay isn't good, so if I work a night job, people at the company will find out.'' Fortunately, my grades were good, so I only received a strict warning, but I was told that if I did it again, I would be punished in some way, so I was forced to quit my night job.'' (Female, 28 years old)
How to prevent yourself from getting caught while working as a father or working at night
①Do not reveal your information
When working as a father or working nights, it is convenient to set up a fake profile that does not reveal any information about yourself.It's a good idea to prepare a fake profile in advance and remember it, including your real name, hometown, and alma mater.Also, be sure not to tell your parents or customers anything that could lead to your personal information.
②SNS is a fake name or a key account
If you are a father or work a night job, we recommend using a fake name or a key account on SNS.Also, there are cases where your account can be revealed from your phone number, so avoid linking it with your phone number.
③Use different mobile phones
If you have to give out your phone number to your dad or customers because you are working as a dad or working nights, we recommend that you use a cell phone for work and not for private use.Also, don't share anything you use on LINE privately.
④ Pay attention to changes in spending
When some people earn a large sum of money from working as dads or working night jobs, their spending habits suddenly become rough.You need to be careful because your friends and family may find out if you suddenly become flashy with your spending habits.It's a good idea not to show any changes in your spending habits in front of your easy-talking friends, and when you buy brand-name items, it's a good idea to have some sort of answer ready in case someone pokes fun at you.
⑤Separate the place within your own range of action and the place where you meet with your father.
If you are a father, try to avoid meeting your father at work, school, or other areas where you can be active.If you live close to each other, there is a possibility that your co-workers or acquaintances will catch you on a date with your dad.When going on a date with your dad, we recommend meeting in a busy downtown area such as Shibuya or Shinjuku.
in conclusion
If your identity is revealed when you are working as a father or working at night, it not only causes trouble, but there is also the risk that people around you will talk about it.In order to safely work as a father or work at night, please try not to reveal your personal information.